In 2006 the Lord lead Armitage Baptist Church to send Pastor Jamie and his wife Andrea to plant a church in the Garfield Park community. Garfield Park was an impoverished community known for violence, gangs, drugs and prostitution, among other things. However, from the beginning God brought a core team of people together who could see past the negative headlines to notice a people whom God loved. They saw a community of people who needed more than religion—a  people in desperate need of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

So this core group started a Christ-centered church that would remain focused on transforming lives, one person at a time, until they saw a community of men, women, children, and families dominating the culture of Garfield Park with the love of Jesus, the power of the gospel and the public worship of our Lord.

There were a lot of unknowns in the beginning. There was no money, no large group of committed members, and no church building to meet in. However, this core group did have a clear call from God, the promised provision of their Lord (Matthew 6:33) and the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

They remained under the authority of Armitage Baptist Church for eight years, holding bible studies and prayer meetings in two different homes. The church grew life by life. In 2007, they started holding Sunday services in Pastor Jamie’s home. After about a year, they ran out of space and in 2008 rented the local grade school and started meeting for weekly Sunday service. During that time the core team began to minister to everyone on the block where Pastor Jamie lived. They turned his garage into a hang out for children and youth and began holding weekly outreaches for all ages, evangelistically driven camps in the summer and block parties for the families. They met in the local grade school for two years but needed more space during the week for outreach and discipleship. So, in 2010 the church decided to rent two store fronts close-by and to use for weekly outreach and discipleship.

In 2012, the Pastors of Armitage Baptist Church and the leadership team in Garfield were lead together to officially establish Reborn Community Church (Reborn) as an independent local church.

They had been praying for an old fire house with the space needed in order to meet the needs of the community and reach out to more people. God opened the hearts of the church who owned an old fire house and allowed Reborn to rent it with an option to buy for $250,000. This was a miracle and a great blessing of God's provision for His work. The building needed a lot of renovation but in faith the church moved in anyway, believing that this was where God wanted to build his ministry to His people. The church could hardly cover rent each week but the people believed God would provide a way to buy it one day. In faith they started fixing the building up and using what ever they had to glorify the Lord, reach people for Christ and disciple the saved. Each space that was added was used to transform lives. God continued to do miracle after miracle. He brought churches, tradesmen and people on mission trips to help Reborn fix up this building. In fact, God provided over $100,000 in money and labor for needed renovations to allow more space for ministry. There was a lot more work to do and Reborn believed God was still going to make a way for it all to be done.

In 2015, God performed another miracle through Reborn’s partnership with Brentwood Baptist Church in Brentwood, Tennessee, and the North American Mission Board. Because of the generous gifts of Brentwood Baptist ($300,000) and the North American Mission Board ($50,000), Reborn was able to purchase the firehouse for $250,000 and still have another $100,00 for renovations. Reborn now owns the firehouse they prayed for, with no debt. They have learned that God is ready and able to provide for His work to be done as his people step out in faith and follow His call.

Renovations are currently being finished on the building and God is raising up and bringing together more like-minded followers of Jesus Christ to be transformed and to transform the lives of others.